Plants for Food In UK Cities

Densely populated areas within major UK cities often see a shortage of food for those who are less fortunate. Additionally, there are residents who simply do not have the time or desire to carry out extensive grocery shopping sprees after work. Often times braving the busy city streets is the last thing someone wants to do after work. Therefore, more people are turning to using plants for food in UK cities. This practice allows people to choose their own types of fruits and vegetables as they strive to get the nutrition that they deserve. However, there are other great benefits to using plants as food in these major metropolitan areas.

Homelessness is an issue which affects major parts of Britain and England. Many charitable organisations set up centres which cater to feeding the homeless and the hungry. The problem with these great services is that they rely upon consistent donations of food. During tough economic times these donations start to dwindle, as more people choose to hold onto their food. Small gardens within cities provide sustainable food sources for people who need the food the most. These gardens produce a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables which are used in stews, soups, and salads. There are vegetables which have different growing seasons, so maintaining a consistent garden is not usually a problem.

Community gardens in UK cities provide food for an entire neighbourhood of people. Everyone who contributes to the garden is allowed to reap the rewards from it. Tomatoes and peppers are grown in the summer months, and cabbage and potatoes often make up winter month harvests. One of the best aspects of community gardens is that they bring people together. Everyone in the community gets to participate in creating a great garden for all to enjoy, which allows everyone to take pride in the food that they help to produce.

When plants are used as food in more UK cities, this serves to help the local economy. Local farmers do export their goods to other countries and regions, but they also rely upon the purchase of their foods in local markets. Locally grown products often taste better, and they are of a higher quality. Many local farmers are using organic methods to grow the most popular food plants. Consider the fact that there are many benefits to using food plants in UK cities. When the food is grown locally it prevents people from having to buy fast food or other unhealthy options.